Reilly and Murphy at the Oregon Coast in 2006. They were my first two Labradors and ReiMur was named in their honor.
I am a small hobby breeder located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest city of Seattle, WA. I am dedicated to the All Around Labrador, and actively show, work, and health test my dogs to ensure I am producing Labradors that exude breed type, have natural desire to do the job for which they were intended, and make healthy, happy companions. My dogs are all beloved family members who live in the house, and I breed only when I am ready for my next generation.
I fell in love with this breed in late 2000 when I brought home my first Labrador, Reilly (Black Rock Life of Reilly CDX RN JH CGC WC CC Can CD). We became active in obedience competition, which introduced me to dog shows. I soon decided I would like a companion for Reilly and that I would like to show my next Labrador in conformation; this led me in late 2001 to Barb and Don Ironside of Fawnhaven Labradors, who not only gave me my beloved Murphy (Can CH SHR Fawnhaven Mischief Maker Delphi CD RN SH CGC WC Can CD/JH/WC) as a puppy in 2002, but became my mentors in the breed. They introduced me to our local breed club, PSLRA, as well as field work and the world of conformation shows. I later became involved in Agility. When it came time to breed my first litter (born in early 2007), they generously offered to co-own Magic, a beautiful bitch line-bred on CH Monarch's Black Arrogance, with me for a litter. As they say, the rest is history.
ReiMur is proud to produce dogs that are versatile enough to successfully compete in multiple venues and have the temperaments that make wonderful family members. We have bred only 3 litters, and from those we produced the following titled dogs:
~Am GCH Can CH UKC CH HRCH UH ReiMur's Juz Fulla Myself CDX RE MH CGC Can CD/JH/WCX~
58th CH/MH in breed history, Specialty JAM, Specialty Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, PSLRA All Around Award
~CH Fawnhaven Celtic Woman O'ReiMur RN JH WC VPM~
Specialty WB, Specialty Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, PSLRA All Around Award, LRC Versatile Producer of Merit Award
~CH ReiMur Tidesin At Mustardseed RN JH WC~
PSLRA All Around Award
~(OTCH and OM pointed) ReiMur's Juz Crashin' Thru VCD UD PUDT VER JH TDX RAE NAP NJP WC CC CGCA Delta Society Certified Therapy Dog~
PSLRA Versatility Award, LRC, Inc. Dog for All Reasons Award
~Am/Can CH HR ReiMur's Good Humor Man BN CD RA NAP OFP JH WC CGC Can JH/WC~
PSLRA All Around and Versatility Awards, Multiple Best Hunting Retriever in Specialty
~ReiMur's Marge Simpson CD BN RE JH CGCA CC~
~GCH CH SHR ReiMur's March Madness RN JH DN WC CC~
Best Hunting Retriever in Specialty (LRC Regional 2019, PSLRA Oct. 2023), Best Veteran in Specialty (SVLRC 2024), Multiple Sporting Group Placements, PSLRA All Around and Versatility Awards
~Int'l CH ReiMur's Play That Funky Music BN RN RI DN WC CGC CC (AKC CH Pointed)~
I have been an active member of the Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association since 2001 and served on the Board from 2004 - 2008 (Treasurer 2005 - 2007; Member of the Year 2005). I am also a member of the LRC, Inc. and am a licensed AKC hunt test judge and enjoy watching dogs turn on their natural instincts.

Darlene with Hooper, Dreyfus, Larson and Tourney 11-11-2024
Photo by Kaitlyn Price Photography

Darlene with Luna, Dreyfus, Fergus and Larson 11-2019
Photo by Kaitlyn Price Photography

Larson, Murphy and Fergus 10/2014
Photo by Cowbelly Photography

Darlene with Larson, Fergus and Murphy 10/2014
Photo by Cowbelly Photography